Friday, September 17, 2004


The CS is often fascinated with women's sexual activities, their wants, desires and dislikes. There is something that is so raw and genuine about such behavior. A far cry from the phony bullshit we present to one another daily.

Along similar lines as my April 7th post, there are certain women who struggle with their sexuality by erecting walls and boundaries that make little sense to the CS. These women may be quite sexual... in fact they may have a sexual kink that they deem quite hot and appropriate. But they get offended at another sexual act, even if it is objectively less kinky or intense.

On a few occasions, I have been in situations where a harmless sexual move or act was considered offensive, for no apparent reason. Something that you would never predict to be an issue...something that came out of the blue...something completely random and with seemingly no logic or reason. (The CS confirmed these by running them by a few male and female friends).

Now...everyone has his or her likes and dislikes, no doubt. But for whatever reason, some sexual experiences between men and women create the same type of confusion and misunderstanding that we have with one another in relationships in general. Must this type of drama carry on over into the bedroom? Why get offended (at least at something that most would consider harmless...we are not talking about pain or physical discomfort either).

For the CS, these experiences have been few and far between...yet still very noticeable. Perhaps, these type of women still struggle with issues of "control" and what they should or should not be doing in the bedroom. Perhaps, some have just had bad experiences that make them sensitive. Or, perhaps it is the guy's fault in any given situation. But whatever it is, must sex get so complicated? Isn't whatever "feels pleasurable," rather than what "mental images or hang-ups" are conjured up, a better guide to sexuality?

Guys have their own issues, much of which are socially engineered and created. So we dont entirely get a free pass on this one either. But for the most part, guys enjoy everything in the sexual arena--provided that it feels good, and that it does not involve their ass. A motto perhaps shared by many women as well. Apparently not quite that simple for some of the female persuasion, however.

Then again, maybe this rant makes sense only to the CS.

Monday, September 13, 2004


Seems that the office parking garage is as good a place as any to meet people these days. With all those cars, all those bodies, and the eons spent in the elevator with them, you can eventually get to know someone quite well.

Tara is new to the building and works for one of the advertising companies. Parking just a few spaces down, the CS noticed her on several occasions, and a conversation was eventually to be had. Nothing serious--harmless chatter for the most part. But as our run-ins became more did the flirtatious banter.

Today, she suggested I stop by for a company soiree at a local hotspot. Harmless enough...and I am not yet sure at her interest level.

...but the CS can sense the possibilities.