Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Tappen Off the Company Pier

Naturally, I heard the ole..."you dont shit where you eat..." and other variations about mixing work with... well....with pleasure at work. "Too dangerous" they say..."Too uncomfortable..." and on and on...this would of course doubly apply to us "married" types because that just magnifies the risk, or so the theory goes.

But then one ponders: "if your married...and work is not an option... where the hell else is one to find hot attractive chicks to bed?" "Hookers" u say? ..."Massage parlors?" For everyone of those suggestions the risks double; not only from safety concerns but legal implications and on and on. Plus, those chicks want "Benjamin Franklin's" pecker not your pathetic one. This does not work for the Cheating Spouse.

Moreover, we are not talking about a quasi-married guy who can go out when ever he wants and go picking up chicks. That aint reality for most of us "family" types.

I know what your thinking...what about the way we were introduced to Mona? Well...yes...good shit does happen. In this City, it happens fairly often....but the Cheating Spouse does not have the opportunity to go out chasing "Mona's" on a daily basis. Those just fall in his lap...sometimes. Opportunities at work, on the other hand, are created and controlled.

The bottom line is that there is no safe way. Is it risky? Fuck yes?! Risk losing your job? Fucken aye...yes! Risk a potential harassment suit? Damn skimpy straight! ...but whats the alternative? This of course presupposes that you have asked urself, and answered in the negative, the following key question "Can I see myself sleeping only with my wife for the next fifty years??" Ask yourself this one out loud...kinda has a whole different ring to it that way.

So...whats the motto here? Well none perhaps. But if you made the decision to fuck around and dont include work opportunities, ur gonna drive urself batty because those are likely the only opportunities that your gonna get. (Unless of course u prefer trolling for street walkers and grungy masseuses ). Be discreet, be picky and be smart. You stand a better shot that way... especially if it's at work.

More on "Tuesday's" with Mona soon...interesting and quite hot.

Feel free to let the Cheating Spouse know what kinda of an asshole he is or provide your other thoughts and comments.

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