Thursday, May 20, 2004

Sex and the Female Mind

The CS has a good female friend that provides thoughtful and stimulating conversation. Recently, we discussed the topic of sex and the differences between men and women.

I took the position that the "slut" stigma is a huge factor inhibiting women's desire to do what they want to do. Now...she does not necessarily disagree. However, her point is that societal pressures to be a "good girl" (or not a "slut," whichever u prefer) is the ONLY reason that women are any different than men. That is, that women want to fuck and are just as horny as men, if not more, AND that they have no more emotional issues in doing what men do, except for those that are ingrained in them socially. So the theory goes...if not for the social stigma, women would act no differently than men when it comes to sex.

So this got me thinking...could this in fact be true? I am not a scientist, but have read articles that state, on the average, there is either a biological or emotional component more prevalent in women that would make them less likely to engage in "random" and "meaningless" sex as men. But this is a rather "grey area" of knowledge at best. So who really knows...perhaps this "emotional" compenant is created socially and is misinterpreted as women's general nature?

In a sense, it can be percieved as a chicken and the egg dilemma. What came first...societal condemnation or a true emotional or biological difference between the sexes? In any event, if her theory is correct (not that its necessarily testable), wouldnt it force women to completely re-evaluate their sexual behavior? In fact, if a woman learns that her sexual desires come not from nature, but completely from social indoctrination...wouldnt that be quite the discovery?

The CS doesnt have the answers, but is quite fascinated by the discussion.

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